Uber Air picks Melbourne as its first international launch city

When Uber first announced Uber Air, it intended for Dubai to be its first international city. That changed last year when Uber put out an open call to interested cities to describe the clear need for aerial transit, the environmental conditions of the city and local government commitment.

Today at Uber Elevate, Uber announced Melbourne, Australia as the first international city where it will test Uber Air. Already, architects have envisioned what the skyports in the city could look like.

“Australian governments have adopted a forward-looking approach to ridesharing and future transport technology,” Uber Australia Regional General Manager Susan Anderson said in a statement. “This, coupled with Melbourne’s unique demographic and geospatial factors, and culture of innovation and technology, makes Melbourne the perfect third launch city for Uber Air. We will see other Australian cities following soon after.”

In addition Melbourne, Uber plans to launch Uber Air in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas and Los Angeles in 2023. You can read more about what to expect from Uber Air below.

Source: Tech Crunch

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