2020 may feel so far like the year of living dangerously, but for many of us it has also been the year of working remotely. Led by the stick of COVID-19 rather than the carrot of the benefits of more flexible work life, a lot of organizations, and the people who power them, have only relatively recently started to get to grips with this concept. But some have had their finger on the pulse of cloud computing and how that relates to enterprise productivity for years.
Come join us on Thursday, July 9, at Extra Crunch Live to hear from Jason Green of Emergence Capital, one of the leading investors (and VC firms) promoting and funding some of the biggest startups in this space.
Extra Crunch Live is open exclusively to Extra Crunch subscribers. If you’re not already an Extra Crunch member, you can join here.
For the uninitiated, the EC Live format is at once direct and wide-ranging, an hour-long conversation that not only covers some of the biggest issues in tech, building startups and investing today — and boy do we have a lot of issues right now — but gets to the heart of them, in a lighter format that’s actually fun to watch — as you can see from past talks with Sequoia’s Roelof Botha and Homebrew’s Hunter Walk. (See the whole schedule of Extra Crunch Live talks here.)
July 9 should be an especially good one because, well, Green is full of beans.
That is to say, he’s been very outspoken in the last few months, leading the (reassuring? alarming?) charge for startups to just write off the last quarter and focus on the future.
Sounds flippant? Not really. Green has years of experience to draw on — a long track record backing some of the most game-changing and successful startups of the last decade+ in the areas of cloud computing, enterprise and enterprise productivity, and specifically in how they cross over. They include Box, SalesLoft, ServiceMax, SteelBrick, SuccessFactors, Gusto (formerly ZenPayroll) and Yammer, with Emergence itself also an early backer of Zoom, Salesforce, Crunchbase and Clearbanc.
For founders, other investors and anyone involved in any aspect of deal-making, especially for enterprise startups, it’s a must-watch.
Join Jason and me next week. We’re looking forward to it.
Extra Crunch Live is open exclusively to Extra Crunch subscribers, and so if you want to watch, join here. You can find the full details of the call below the jump!
Source: Tech Crunch