Get 90% off an annual DocSend plan with Extra Crunch

Extra Crunch is excited to announce we’re renewing our Partner Perk with DocSend. Annual and two-year members of Extra Crunch that are new to DocSend can get up to 90% off an annual plan. 

DocSend is a secure document-sharing platform that not only lets you share your documents with ease, but it also provides you with real-time actionable analytics. Whether you’re a founder, executive or VC, DocSend’s unique blend of security and control can help communicate more efficiently as you strengthen your business relationships. Whether you’re sending out a pitch deck, completing due diligence or sharing investor updates and board packs, DocSend gives you a strategic advantage with page-by-page insights. You also can connect DocSend to Salesforce, Gmail, Outlook, IFTTT and Zapier to get even more out of the product. 

Source: Tech Crunch

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