Your water meter knows how much you’re using, why don’t you?
Co-founder Eric Adler, Jeffrey Hufford and the Flume team have developed a non-invasive IoT based water flow monitoring device to enable intelligent leak detection and water management for homeowners, to prevent damage, conserve water and save money.
To learn more about Flume visit them at www.flumetech.com.
Please support Eric, Jeffrey and the FLUME team by sharing this post with your extended social networks.
Here WE Grow!
Doug Parker | Linkedin – kickassdoug
FLUME is a SLO HotHouse supported startup.
The SLO HotHouse is a community space created through the efforts of Cal Poly, the city and county of San Luis Obispo, the business community, and the Cal Poly Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE). The goal of the SLO HotHouse is to support students and community members as they work to create new innovations and start entrepreneurial business ventures.
To learn more about the SLO HotHouse go to www.slohothouse.com.