Welcome to Equity on Extra Crunch, a semi-regular series of interviews between the Equity team, venture capitalists, and operating executives at the neatest startups. The goal of this irregular medium is to dig into topics that don’t fit inside of the standard Equity format, but are still critical to understanding what’s happening in the private markets.
To kick things off, we invited two of our favorite early-stage investors over to TechCrunch’s offices in San Francisco for a video chat. But for those of you who prefer to read things, we’ve also summarized the questions and answers.
Equity was happy to have Floodgate’s Iris Choi back in the studio, and we’re also excited to have Cowboy Ventures’ Jomayra Herrera around for the first time. Choi is an Equity regular, and Herrera recently took part in a piece we published digging into the split between enterprise and consumer seed deals. That’s what we call foreshadowing. Let’s begin.
We wanted to get advice from our two investors as to what founders seeking seed deals might want to do to avoid unnecessary agony.
Source: Tech Crunch